Sunday, August 14, 2011

Face your fears and dive right in!

So much to catch you up on intrepid readers! For starters, I found the main trunk of the old grape vine! I now thought I would Finally get a handle on all the crazyness! So I phoned my amasingly talented Father inlaw and told him. His answer was, "I'll be over at 4PM". When he got here I was already wacking away at the vine, feeling that controling it was soon going to be within my grasp. Old Mrs. Broadbent, the former owner of the house, had planted in right next to a fence,  My dad inlaw just started cliping away, with mom assisting him.  I was in high spirits, going along the fence and pulling and clipping that vine. Telling the old girl it was for the best. We worked on both sides of the fence, and I started to notice that some of the vines were REALLY large, and ran along the ground. I pointed this out to Bob, who proceeded to crush my high spirit to the ground. He told me that vines like the grape send out runners, sometimes underground, sometimes on top, and come up in other places...wait...NO! So my simple plan of cutting around the trunk and effectively killing all the vines taking over the yard wasnt going to be so simple after all!
That being said, we did make a dent in it, but its still very much a "work in progress". Little by little, im cutting that vine, but now im concentrating on freeing the trees from its choking embrace. The vine drapes across all the trees and shrubs, making in effect a living blanket of green! It covers everything in the yard . Well, half the yard. Im not really too worried about actually. I realized the other day that when Autumn arrives, the vine will naturally die back. Then we can start training it come spring!  Grapes will be produced! I should learn how to make wine!

The old Philco stove, built in 1952, has moved outside to be cleaned. The many cats the former tenate had owned made use of the old stove, and not in a kindly manner! Every part that Robin could get off the stove he power washed! It took Robin, Stephanie and I working together to get it outside. Its almost ready to move back in the house. All that will be left is running it and testing the oven and coils for heat accuracy.

We worked in the yard for most of the day Saturday, and I found the first rip fig that big tree produced! Delishious! Reminded me of my grandmother! We also had our first official bonfire last night. I think the neighbors might have been a little surpirsed. They arent use to seeing so much activity at the old place! That bonfire was my way of saying  "Were here to stay!"

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