Friday, August 5, 2011

Dog Days of Summer and the ant invasion.

I don't know if we're in the "Dog Days" yet, but this week sure seems to be close! Its hot outside, and hotter in the warehouse!
 Everywhere I look this past week I seem to be finding ants, lots and lots of ants. Robin doesn't want us to use pesticides, but I am thinking maybe we will at first to get a handle on the motley crew!
 Sad news, I had Robin remove some of the green house panels to let some heat out the other day. So he lowered about 3-4 of them. apparently a Hummingbird flew into the green house and couldn't find his way out. Stephanie and Robin found him yesterday. He was blue and green, really beautiful. I felt so bad! But, on a lighter note, today I worked in the yard alittle bit and discovered a small peach tree! so covered with that crazy grape vine that most of it's branches were lowered to the ground! I began to pull the vine out of it, being careful not to rip the small branches of the tree as well. As I pulled the vine away, I also uncovered a small blue chair that was completely covered with the vine!
I am really jazzed about both the peach tree, (its the second peach tree I found now) and the blue chair! The little guy was trying hard to produce peaches; I pulled them off so it would concentrate on surviving. It looked sickly from the vine hanging all over it. I also deep watered it. I cant wait to look at it tomorrow. I hope its better.
So the yard and the house are changing every day. Robin has been working almost every day in the yard, and Stephanie and I inside. Garrett wherever he's needed.
We noticed that the neighbors have been watching all the changes going on. They have finally started stopping by to met us and talk about the old place. I'm really glad to be here.

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